Home Remedies - How to Treat Dog Bugs at Home

Home Remedies - How to Treat Dog Bugs at Home

Home Remedies - How to Treat Dog Bugs at Home
Image source - Google | Image by - wikicell
    One of the most important things we should take care of is taking care of our dogs inside is clean. Not just because we have to take care of their health, but also because they can infect the people around them. If we keep our dogs free of parasites, we can enjoy a healthy and happy animal

Common intestinal parasites in dogs

    There are many types of intestinal insects in dogs, more commonly known as worms or stomach worms. Usually our favorite friends are Dipylidum caninum (also known as Laceworm), Toxocara canis and Toxocara vulpis, Ancylostoma caninum, and Phylum granulosus. Dogs are most often threatened by puppies and those living near or in rural areas. However, even old dogs or city dwellers can become infected by these unwanted visitors.

Home Remedies for Treating Worms in Dogs

    There are many treatments we can use at home to help prevent our dogs and get rid of the insects in their digestive system. Note the following home remedies for insecticides and see how quickly they disappear:

Garlic- Garlic is a natural ingredient with great anti-bacterial and antiparasitic properties. However, in most cases it is poisonous to dogs because it can cause severe anemia. Therefore, you should be careful about the amount you use when using garlic for dogs to get rid of worms. To avoid injuring your dog with garlic but to help get rid of pests, you should use one clove of garlic and add it to your food for crushing.

Oregon Grape - Grapes are a forbidden fruit for dogs, but, also in the case of garlic, this dose depends on what we give our dog. Therefore, it is recommended that you give only 12 drops for every 9 kg of Oregon grape weight. You can easily find it at a restaurant or health food store. It is important to remember that this home remedy should be avoided in dogs with liver problems and in female dogs during pregnancy.

Pumpkin Seeds - These green letters are a natural anthelmintic that works very well. You should grind raw pumpkin seeds and add one teaspoon to every 5 kg of your dog's weight in your diet. If they weigh less you should add less than a teaspoon. You should not worry about giving your dog pumpkin seeds, as they are very good for the quality of your dog's hair.

Betel Palm Kernel or Betel - This plant, along with having strong antarasitic seeds, will help reduce your dog's stomach symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. To be effective, you need to give them 2 grams of seeds in your diet, three times a day for a week. As it ensures they work as well as possible it is best to put it between 3 meals and not everyone together.

Sweet wormwood or wormwood - Wormwood or sweet wormwood is a plant that is very effective in eliminating all types of worms in dogs' stomachs, but can be very irritating to their body. Therefore, it is best to treat it according to your doctor's recommendations. However, the dose is usually given, depending on whether the dog is small or large, between 10 to 15 drops and three times a day, which is every eight hours.

Pineapple - Pineapple contains enzymes that fight intestinal worms quickly and clearly. It is good to give your dog a little pineapple if you want to get rid of the worm infection, but in most cases, do not donate enough that could cause other health problems. A few slices of pineapple a day will be more than enough or you can add the juice of this fruit to your meal.

Gentian - Kirat or Gentiana lutea, known as St. Ladislaw herb, has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which are excellent for strengthening the dog's digestive system and cleansing their blood. So, it is another good way inside our pet caterpillar. The part of the plant that is best used for this purpose is the root, which you can get in the form of powder from store healers and herbal remedies. Boil water and add a tablespoon of gentian flour (five minutes of cooking will suffice). We should give this drink to our dog 2 times a day for 7 days.

black walnut - Extract of black walnut because tannin has a strong effect on it. It is bitter and irritating, so not only can our dog's intestines be successfully eliminated, but they can also cause diarrhea, vomiting and diarrhea if given in large doses. Therefore, it is advisable to use this option in severe cases of insect infection and always under the guidance of a veterinarian. All of these treatments should be given as needed until there are no signs of worm infection. But we should also be aware that if we notice even a slight discomfort in our dog, we should go to a veterinarian immediately. You can add some of these natural products and give them to your dog when you eat them with great effect, but you should not try too hard.

Prevention of stomach worms in dogs

    These natural remedies work to eradicate our beloved partner from internal insect diseases. However, if we provide these treatments once a month or every two months, we will help prevent worms. If we decide to use them in a protective way, then it is better to support the animal treatment that has been shown to be antiparasitic. Dogs should start with clean internal and external puppies and the first time we give them anthelmintic treatment will be in the first week of their lives. Of course, the exact amount indicated by our trusted veterinarian. After the first dose, it should be repeated every two weeks until the puppy is three months old. Thereafter, for the rest of her life, she should be treated every three months to ensure that she remains free of worms and other parasites before vaccination. This is done so that they work properly and that there are no other health problems arising from the condition.


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