How to stop dog hair loss? Do treatment at home

How to stop dog hair loss? Do treatment at home

    Just as we lose human hair, so do animals. Dogs also have hair loss problems, so if you are a good dog owner, then help yourself overcome this problem. By the way, you will have to deal with the problem of cleaning this dog litter in the whole house, so why not find a solution to it. We will tell you home remedies so you can get your dog out of this situation.

How to stop dog hair loss
Image source - Google | Image by - canadapetcare

1. You should know that in season, all hair dogs fall out. Most of the time some dog hair falls out twice, one in winter and one in summer. 

2. When you bathe your dog, then leave their hair wet and allow it to dry on its own. When the hair is dry and brush it with a comb.

3. Hair loss can be prevented by using oil. In this case, the dog's hair does not fall out, using Goldseal, but only on the advice of a doctor. Remember that protein protein, which should not be used daily. 

4. In addition, you can also add flaxseed oil to dog food. After a few weeks you will find that your dog has stopped falling out. Linseed oil is also considered to be very healthy.

5. Olive oil i.e. olive oil is beneficial to animals. Therefore, if your dog loses its hair or bites, then rub it with olive oil. This will prevent hair loss and the dog's skin will also glow.

6. Regular combing - Apply a coat daily to prevent hair loss. Remember that their braided hair should be combed. Take a comb that matches your dog's hair. Regular brushing of the hair makes them strogs.

7. Anti-static spray - The comb does not work well on the hair during dry weather. So spray static in the camp to make it easier to slip on the hair, this will not increase the hair loss in the dog. This will prevent hair from scratching and will last.

8. Remove the hair- While brushing the hair, remove the broken hair with the help of your fingers. This stops hair loss and thus does not spread dirt throughout the house.

9.Use of Rubber Grooming Mitt- You can remove broken hair from an animal dog's clothing with the help of a rubber grooming mitt. After combing, remove broken hair from the dog's body. Your dog will also like to have his body massaged with a rubber fixer, this will make him feel comfortable.

10. Use Non-Drawing Canine Shampoo - This type of shampoo provides moisture to the skin and hair. This automatically reduces hair loss. Hair loss is more common in weak and dry hair. So wash your dog's hair with a non-drawing or moisturizing shampoo.


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