Distemper in dogs causes, symtomps, vaccine and treatment

Distemper in dogs causes, symptoms, vaccine and treatment

Canine Distemper in dogs symptoms, treatment and vaccine
Image source - Google | Image by - quora

    Canine distemper in dogs is a very serious infectious and potentially dangerous disease. Paramyxovirus causes canine distemper, paramyxovirus may be related to measles or virus that causes rindpaste.Distemper can affect various systems in the body making treatment difficult. While a puppy can get a canine distemper through its mother's placenta, older dogs can get the disease by being exposed to airborne pathogens or other dogs, animals, or objects. Simply put, an infected animal can spread infectious droplets to the surrounding environment when it barks, sneezes, coughs, or licks. Foods, water containers and other items can easily become infected in such cases. An infected dog can be dangerous to other animals around them as it can carry and shed the virus for several months. However, the virus does not remain in the environment for long and can be easily killed by any common antibiotic.

Which dogs are most at risk of distemper?

    All dogs are at equal risk of canine distemper dementia. Most all dogs and dogs are unprotected with puppies under four months of age.
The symptoms of a dog distemper are:
An infected dog will show a variety of symptoms depending on the severity of the disease. Initially, the paramyxo virus regenerates in the lymphatic tissues of the respiratory tract. Soon, it begins to infect the entire respiratory system, central nervous system, intestinal tract, optic nerve, and urogenital epithelium. 
Symptoms usually occur in two stages.

First stage:

    In the first stage, the infected dog's eyes will start to produce fluid, which may vary from red to watery. Loss of appetite, runny nose and fever after 4 to 6 days. These symptoms also depend largely on the severity of the infection and how the body reacts to it.If an infected dog survives the virus, it may be at risk of infection with hyperkeratosis of the paws and nasal passages. This lowers the dog's immune system and dogs are at risk of becoming infected with many other diseases.

Second stage:

    In the second stage of canine distemper, the symptoms mainly consist of neurological symptoms such as seizures, muscle spasms, headaches, partial / complete paralysis, nystagmus, cramps and increased chewing speed and / or saliva, even that even death.

How do you know if a dog has a canine distemper?

    There are no tests to determine if a dog has a canine distemper. Disorders in dogs can only be confirmed by clinical signs. Your vet may suggest other diagnostic tests that can confirm that your dog has a canine distemper.

Experiments that may need to be done:

*Chemical tests and urine tests to confirm the number of lymphocytes (white blood cells), low lymphocytes can show infection in the body.
*Serology tests to identify positive immune systems.
*Radiograph to diagnose pneumonia.
*CT and MRI scan scans of the brain for veterans.
*Dogs found to have a canine distemper by a dog should be separated from other pets until the dog is completely treated by a veterinarian.
*The area where the dog lives alone should usually be cleaned with a alcohol-based cleaner.

How can you treat Canine Distemper?
    Unfortunately, there is no canine distemper treatment. Veterinarians and dog owners can treat the dog in a way that shows signs and hope that the dog will survive.

The following are possible treatments for symptoms:

1. IV fluid can be given if the dog has diarrhea or severe vomiting.
2. Antiretroviral drugs.
3. Phenobarbitals and potassium for pain and fainting.
4. Antibiotics do not work well in this disease.

How to stop a canine distemper?

The only effective way to avoid a canine distemper is to get your dog vaccinated.
1. Vaccination first - When the puppy is six to eight weeks old
2. Second to fourth vaccinations: every four weeks from 16 to 20 weeks.
3. Five vaccinations: one year vaccination after 20 weeks of age.
4. Supportive Vaccination: Every 1 to 3 years.

What canine distemper vaccine is available for vaccination?

1. Vaccine DHPP or DAPP for distemper virus, adenovirus-1, adenovirus-2.
2. DHLPP vaccination for DHPP / DAPP and leptospirosis complications.
3. Other combinations may be called 5-in-1 or 5-way, 6-in-1 or 6-way or 8-in-1 or 8-way vaccination depending on the combination of vaccines.


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