dog skin infection : How to care for and treat it

dog skin infection : How to care for and treat it

dog skin infection home remedy
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    A bite is a condition in which a dog feels that it has no rest or strong desire to scratch a part of its body where it is bitten. Itching usually does not require medical examination and should not be a cause for concern but if there is persistent itching, it may be due to poor health and should be a cause for concern. Every dog ​​is bitten and scratched but if there is further damage, it is cause for concern. The medical name for cocaine associated with seizures is pruritus.

The causes of dog bites can be the following:

*Allergies: Allergies to dogs can be the cause of dog bites. The itching occurs as a result of the body's reaction to histamine produced by the body when an allergen is identified in the body. Allergies to dogs can occur in the following ways:

*Food allergies mean chocolate

*Seasonal conflicts with pollen

*Allergies attack saliva

*Boredom or anxiety: boredom can be caused by excessive scratching, chewing or licking a dog i.e. boredom eczema. Anxiety also affects dog behavior, dogs often lick, scratch, etc. when they are anxious. Anxiety also affects dog behavior, dogs often lick, scratch, etc. when they are anxious.

*Dry skin: Dry skin is the result of a lack of moisture and fatty acids. This happens most of the winter when there is very little moisture in the air, the skin becomes weak and breaks when you touch it.
Hormonal imbalances: A deficiency of thyroid hormone or too much cortisol causes health conditions that can cause skin diseases as a symptom. This skin disease causes the dog to lick, bite or scratch the affected area.

*Pain: When dogs are in pain, they try to lick or chew that part of the body, which can cause wounds or pain. Chewing on your fingernails can mean that something is stuck in the nails causing irritation or pain.

*Parasites: Fleas, worms and ticks can also cause itching, licking and biting part of a dog's body. Some dogs do not fight flea saliva so when they are bitten by a gene, saliva causes allergies and bites the bite site. The same thing happens with tick bites and worms.

Identification of the cause of dog's itching:

*What symptoms did you see? Since when?
*Have you eaten your dog or is it something sick before this stage?
*Has your pet come into contact with other pets?
*Physical examination of the itchy area.
*Check for itching caused by any insect.
*The doctor may order CBC or other tests to check for other tick-related illnesses etc.

Treatment of itching:

Allergies: To treat itching caused by allergies, the doctor will need to find the cause of the allergy with the dog.

Food allergies: Keep your dog from non-hypoallergenic foods that do not cause allergies and identify food allergies.

Seasonal allergies: Keep your dog indoors over the course of the pollen season.

Chemical Allergies: Keep your dogs free and the dog beds free from flooding using fleece protection products.

Boredom or anxiety: If boredom or anxiety causes itching, scratching, itching and licking you should try to involve the dog more. Try to identify the dog's concerns. Once you know the reason, you should avoid it

Dry skin: To protect dry skin you should keep your dog warm and moisturizing the skin, you can apply coconut oil for a few days. A high-fat diet such as eggs and fish will help nourish the skin.

Hormonal imbalances: Deficiency of thyroid hormone or too much cortisol causes skin infections and should be treated with a prescription.

Pain in any part of the body: Itching, itching and licking due to pain in any part of the body should be checked by a veterinarian and treated immediately.

Parasites: Treatment is very important for infecting ticks, mites or insects. All of these pests are very dangerous to the dog and can cause serious health conditions rather than simply biting i.e. tick fever etc. Keep the dog bed comfortable and change it every year.

Home remedies for dog itching:

coconut oil:
Coconut oil can be applied to dog's clothing or hair and will soothe the area of ​​eczema or irritation of the skin. Coconut oil contains anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. Coconut oil can also be supplied in small amounts in dog food for skin and skin wellness.

Aloe Vera:
Aloe vera has healing properties and is also known for cooling hot spots on the skin. The use of fragrant aloe vera will help treat itchy skin, eczema, skin allergies, hot spots and skin rashes.

Baking soda:
Baking soda paste, when applied to dog skin, can help remove skin rashes, reduce itching, and reduce skin redness and inflammation. Baking soda paste can be made by mixing 50% baking soda and 50% water. Attach to the affected area.


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